Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 26/12 - Barcelona to Toulouse, France

So the morning of day 26/12, we went to Park Gurell, a park that Gaudi created. We started off, following Brenda, but soon enough realized she wanted us to go a different direction then what the street signs were saying. So we followed the street signs, but that lead us to bus parking. The lady who only spoke Spanish pointed up ahead, so we went looking for parking. Finding nothing, we text our friends and ask them if they are lost. They said their GPS was also having troubles, but that they just followed the signs and parked on the road up by the park (we still weren't sure where the park was...) so we go in a huge circle again, and we find our friends, park, and head up a path, which, once at the top, find out is the soccer field, not the park...but at least it had good views! So the man tells us where to go, and off we go again. We find the park, get a feel for it, take some pictures, and off we go. We were driving to Toulouse, France, via Carcassonne. Carcassonne is an old, preserved medieval town that has gone untouched (with the exception of people and shops moving in...) but wasn't bombed out or anything. I only knew of it because of a board game my cousins and I have played. So we made it to Carcassonne, and we hang out there for a few hours. It was a cool little place to see. After that, it was off to Toulouse. The only reason we were staying in Toulouse is because it was a long drive from Barcelona to Paris in one shot. We got to Toulouse, and Mom and Dad went off to do laundry (thats kind of necessary after being on the road for two weeks) and the kids stayed at the hotel and had McDonalds for dinner. That was about it!

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